Thursday, May 14, 2020

Prashna Chart does work! - Shastriji's demise

                                     (Software used - Saptarishis Astrology app)

I would first like to bow down to the invention of Internet, which has opened up the vast ocean of knowledge and set a stage for learning and interactions. Also to people like K N Rao Saheb, Sanjay Rathji, Sunil John Sir, Kapiel Raajji and many others from whom I have learnt and learning a lot.

From a Peace treaty to Eternal Peace....

The Prime minister of World's largest democracy goes to sign a peace treaty in USSR and does not return alive. Now this should have raised so many eye brows world wide, not just in the largest democracy. Shastriji died of a Heart attack they told. Obviously a mystery surrounds this passing away. Shastiji's family had raised concerns as his body had turned blue, and his body bore some cut marks. Dr R N Chugh, prime minister's personal physician who was present during his death, died in road accident while going to testify and many more such "Strange mishaps".

I thought of constructing a Prashna chart for the same, and the results were interesting. While i am not here to conclude any thing on the way of death, what is heartening to see is how this incident shows How Prashna really works!

Let us take the house in question = 8th House showing death, longevity.
  • Ketu is placed in the 8th, thus conforming the mysterious nature of the event.
  • Lord of 8th, Jupiter is in the 9th house of Foreign travel.
  • Lord of 8th is with Mars, Jupiter & Saturn. This again shows complexity of the event
  • Mars is the 12th lord of foreign places, loss, and 7th house of Wars,Public enmity.
I do not wish to conclude or assert anything. But things are quite obvious when:
  • 8th lord is with Mars
  • 3rd house (Debilitation Sign) is aspected by Mars.
  • 3rd from Arudha Lagna is aspected by Mars.
Shastriji's loss was a blow to India. A true, self made leader of the masses was lost. Who knows what would have been the in store for India and generations to come had he lived and ruled more. Shashtriji's demise along with Bose's disappearance/death are certain events which are really intriguing but its sad to see paltry interest taken in them by majority of the generations that followed. Though few people like Anuj Dhar are doing their bit, also a film was produced on Shastriji's mysterious passing away- Tashkent files.  Jyotisha is the science of light, and we should use this light to search the right path for our soul and should not be made use to just show off or make some boastful predictions.


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