Thursday, May 14, 2020

Prashna Chart does work! - Shastriji's demise

                                     (Software used - Saptarishis Astrology app)

I would first like to bow down to the invention of Internet, which has opened up the vast ocean of knowledge and set a stage for learning and interactions. Also to people like K N Rao Saheb, Sanjay Rathji, Sunil John Sir, Kapiel Raajji and many others from whom I have learnt and learning a lot.

From a Peace treaty to Eternal Peace....

The Prime minister of World's largest democracy goes to sign a peace treaty in USSR and does not return alive. Now this should have raised so many eye brows world wide, not just in the largest democracy. Shastriji died of a Heart attack they told. Obviously a mystery surrounds this passing away. Shastiji's family had raised concerns as his body had turned blue, and his body bore some cut marks. Dr R N Chugh, prime minister's personal physician who was present during his death, died in road accident while going to testify and many more such "Strange mishaps".

I thought of constructing a Prashna chart for the same, and the results were interesting. While i am not here to conclude any thing on the way of death, what is heartening to see is how this incident shows How Prashna really works!

Let us take the house in question = 8th House showing death, longevity.
  • Ketu is placed in the 8th, thus conforming the mysterious nature of the event.
  • Lord of 8th, Jupiter is in the 9th house of Foreign travel.
  • Lord of 8th is with Mars, Jupiter & Saturn. This again shows complexity of the event
  • Mars is the 12th lord of foreign places, loss, and 7th house of Wars,Public enmity.
I do not wish to conclude or assert anything. But things are quite obvious when:
  • 8th lord is with Mars
  • 3rd house (Debilitation Sign) is aspected by Mars.
  • 3rd from Arudha Lagna is aspected by Mars.
Shastriji's loss was a blow to India. A true, self made leader of the masses was lost. Who knows what would have been the in store for India and generations to come had he lived and ruled more. Shashtriji's demise along with Bose's disappearance/death are certain events which are really intriguing but its sad to see paltry interest taken in them by majority of the generations that followed. Though few people like Anuj Dhar are doing their bit, also a film was produced on Shastriji's mysterious passing away- Tashkent files.  Jyotisha is the science of light, and we should use this light to search the right path for our soul and should not be made use to just show off or make some boastful predictions.


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sai Baba's Horse Shyamkarna and his Namesake

Baba's Shyamkarna and his Namesake

The recent lock down is definitely not what someone would have asked for, but it has proved to be a Blessing in Disguise for one thing - Mahabharata and Ramayana (old and original shows) were aired. The shows are treasure of wisdom and can really influence your life is seen meaningfully. Especially for the generation born in 2000's,who were deprived of such gems, it will really prove helpful and its a delight to see the huge positive reviews the shows drew.

I have been a huge fan of B. R. Chopra's Mahabharat and have seen the entire series (92 Episodes) almost 5-6 times. Once again I sat watching a few episodes as they aired on DD Prasar Bharati.

It was a scene at the War camps and looks as below:

This scene is of great, great importance. We will come back to this scene later,rather we will build up to this scene. Firstly, look at this scene below:

Vasudev Krishna is seen here revealing his real identity to "Sutaputra" Karna.  Vasudev had come to Hastinapur as the Peace ambassador, as a final attempt to avert the great destructive war. He even put a modest request of just having 5 villages for not having the war. But Kaal had already decided the course and Duryodhan opposed him telling that he will not even spare a space as big as a needle for the unworthy Pandavas. Not only this, he ordered his guards to arrest Vasudeva and this subsequently led to Vasudev's display of the Virat Roop. With this stupid act, Duryodhana's and Hastinapur's fate was sealed. 

Vasudev prepared to return and bid his goodbyes to the dear ones and the mood was sombre. Karna also met him and Vasudev requested Karna if he would accompany him in the former's chariot for some distance. Karna obliged and Vasudev asked his charioteer Satyaki, to allow Karna drive his "Rath". Vasudev then revealed to him that he was the Eldest Pandava,the circumstances during his birth and why he was deserted by his mother,Kunti.

This looks like just another of his many leelas, to avoid the war. Vasudev knew that after Bhishma Pitamah and Dronacharya, Karna was the greatest warrior of the Kurus and also he was Duryodhana's best friend. If Karna joined the Pandavas, there was a chance that Duryodhana would think of not going for the war.Vasudev coaxed him by remarking that Crown of Indraprastha awaits him, and not only Pandavas he would bring the whole world to his feet. But Karna was of different mettle, he explained that he was indebted to Duryodhan, and could not lie to himself even for Vasudev. He requested him to not persuade more and that they will now directly meet on the "Battlefield".


Again we meet this picture....(Some interesting thing about the picture down*)

As remarked by Karna, the duo met on the Battlefield. It was the night before the war started. Generals of both the armies had gathered in the Kaurava camp and formed the rules for the war in agreement of Bhishma and Drishthadhyumna, the respective commander-in-chiefs. Vasudev greeted Karna and told today is last friendly night before the war, so he thought let him meet the people from the enemy camp that he liked. Vasudev expressed that he did not understood Gangaputra's strategy of not allowing Karna to enter the battlefield till he was the commander of the Kauravas. He continued saying that Gangaputra has the boon of Ichha-mrityu (choosing one's own time of death), hence it is likely that great warrior Karna, would have to just sit and "Watch" the war. So, why not watch the war from the Pandava's camp?

One can wonder that Bhishma Pitamah must have purposely done this so as to make Karna switch sides? 

Karna again asserted that it was in no way that he could be persuaded to desert Duryodhan whom he was so indebted to, and also to avoid the blemish of being called a "Coward". His whole life was full of insults and loneliness and it was Duryodhan who had recognised him without asking about his family and background. Then Karna remarked that even if these reasons would not have been there, he would have still not switched the sides. Vasudev asked him the reason for that, and Karna said that he had no courage to "Face" Draupadi. He told he could face Narayana but not her. He repented for insulting her and wondered what had happened to him that day! and he will never be able forgive himself.

Vasudev consoled him that realization of one's sin itself opens the door to forgiveness. Vasudev knew Karna was firm and greeted him a Goodbye. This had been a last ditch effort to win Karna, avoid the war and subsequently gain peace.

To be or not be.....

These great conversations of Karna and Vasudev or "ShyamKarna" put me into a deep thought. I started thinking how great Karna is! He knew he was going to be defeated and killed, he could have switched to Panadavas and enjoyed Vasudeva's offerings. At the moment, one naturally compares him with Arjun. I was flowing away with Karna's greatness, when it dawned to me that, Dharma is above all, and Arjuna was following that path. Yes, he was Brave, generous and honest. But he was not on the side of Dharma. So the choice from the two was obvious in the end.🙂

Baba refers to Krishna and Bhagavad Gita in quite a few instances in Satchartitra(  Chapter 39- Lesson in humbleness to Nanasaheb, Chapter 27- Geeta Rahasya gift to Bapusaheb Jog).Baba did have some affinity to Krishna- see these names associated with Baba's  - Dwarkamai, Tulsi Vrindavan. So it is no wonder he named a horse gifted to him as "Shyamkarna".

* About the two Pictures - What's different between the two pictures (1st and 3rd)? Both show Karna and Vasudeva greeting each other.

Well....In the later picture Vasudeva is at the right, because the Dharma is always RIGHT! 🙂

Sai Ram!