Monday, February 20, 2023

Cosmic Play of Rnanubandh - Amazing Pattern in names of Core Sai Bhakta

Recently, while reading a book on Sai Baba, I discovered an amazing pattern in the names of the Sai Bhaktas. Especially, the close ones.  Now this may look trivial to many but to me it is an amazing play of Rnanubandhas. All these connected to one Thread called "Sai" who lived at "Dwarkamai".

Let us have a look

Narayan Govind Chandorkar - Nanasaheb Chandorkar

Govind Raghunath Dabholkar - Annasaheb Dabhoklar [Hemadpant]

Madhavrao Deshpande - Shyama

Hari Sitaram Dixit - Kakasaheb Dixit

Gopalrao Mukund - Bapusaheb Booty

Hari Vinayak Sathe 

Kashinath Govindrao Upasani - Upasani Maharaj

Laxman Krishnaji Noolkar - Tatyasaheb Noolkar

Sakharam Hari

Krishnashastri Jageshwar Bhishma - K J Bhishma

Ganesh Govind Narke - Prof. Narke

Megh Shyam  Rege - Justice Rege

Shyamrao Jaykar - Painter Jaykar

Krishnaji Kashinath Joshi - Kushabhau

Balkrishna Viswanath Deo - B V Deo

Balaji Vasant Talim - B V Talim

Damodar Ghanshyam Babare - Annasaheb Chinchnikar

Vamanrao Patel - Swami Sai Sharananandji

Purushottam Rao Avaste - Justice Avaste

Ganesh Srikrishna Khaparde - Dadasaheb Khaparde

Shankar Narayan Vaidya - Nanavalli

Purushottam Sakharam Bhate - Balasaheb Bhate

Damodar Savalram Rasane - Anna Rasne

 Yeshwant Janardhan Galwankar - Shri Galwankar

Shridhar Narayan Kharkar - Nanasaheb Kharkar

Madhav Adkar 

Ramkrishna Navalkar 

Saturday, April 30, 2022

PP Gulawani Maharaj - Fervour to meet Swami Maharaj


Sometimes, when the power gets cut while we are asleep, in summer days. We feel great discomfort. Each passing second feels like a minute. Many of us religiously inclined wish to be like the Guru's we follow. When such small discomfort is challenge, we wonder where we will really reach. 

The Yearning..

Gulawani Maharaj decided to to take up a job in Mumbai. This was just for survival and he really wanted to focus on spirituality. He could get a job easily, given his high Art qualifications. He wanted a job that would not be an obstacle to his daily Sadhana routine. Unfortunately, this was not possible. He gave up the job search and went to Ganagapur and made resolution to do 7 Saptahs [7 week reading] of the Gurucharitra. It was Hot summer.

He finished the 6 Saptahs and met a Ramal [ a type of an astrologer]. He conveyed his wish of meeting his Guru to the Ramal. Ramal informed him that if the meeting did not happen in this six months, it will never happen. Gulawani Maharaj had made his life's sole aim to spend life with his Swami Mahraj. On hearing Ramal's words, he made reunion with his Guru as the top priority. He finished the last 7th Saptah in just a day. He submitted his sole possessions 2 umbrellas to the Pujari ad embarked on the journey to meet his Guru, without knowing his whereabouts, penniless and clueless. 

Tembe Swami was on constant move based on the Chaturmas. Gulawani Maharaj had heard, that Swami Maharaj was doing Chaturmas in south. Gulawani Maharaj first went to Solapur, where he started walking besides the Railway tracks. He kept on walking barefoot in the scorching heat, in the arid region, with just 2 sets of clothes. During the hot afternoon , he would sit by a well to perform Daily rituals, quench is thirst. Once, he starved for 2 days, then found a Brahman household and got some food there. At night, he would find a shelter and rest. This journey went on for 2 months from 6th June,1910 to 3rd August,1910. 700 kms on foot, 700 kms were travelled on Train. Sometimes, he went starved, sometimes he ate in marriages, messes. Gulawani Maharaj embraced all the challenges with open arms. Finally, he was at the Charan Kamal of Paramhamsa Parivrajakacharya Vasudevanand Swami Maharaj, at Havnur.

Next blog will have the sweet fruits of this effort and his days spent with Tembe Swami Maharaj

Accounts taken from Shades of Divine grace (Thanks to Vasudev Niwas)

Friday, March 25, 2022

Ram Mandir and Yogi's Oath Chart 2017


Reading about Yogi Adityanath's oath today, led me to create his oath chart[will write on it too], so I also checked his 2017 oath chart. Found something amazing. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the 9th house.

Ram Mandir and the Oath Chart

Check the 9th house of Dharma. It has Exalted Venus with Mercury and Sun. 9th house lord Jupiter is also directly aspecting the 9th house. Also creating a Parivartana Yoga of Ju and Me. Lord of 9th [Dharma] and Lord of 3rd [Purushartha]. From, Moon as well the 9th house of Dharma is quite strong.

Yogi Adityanath has always been saying that Ram Mandir issue was not a political issue for him, it was a Life mission. For such a Sanyasi, it was fitting for the Ram Mandir issue be solved during his Tenure as the Chief Minister of that state.  The chart clearly shows a significant Dharma related Karya.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster 2003 - The Doomed Launch



Space Shuttle Columbia is the infamous disaster that occurred on 1st Feb,2003 after Space shuttle Columbia Disintegrated during the re entry.

The Space shuttle was doomed at the launch itself when one insulator foam broke off and hit the left wing. This hit was to prove catastrophic during the re entry, leading to the break up of the shuttle.

Given above is the Chart of Launch. 

Lagna is Meena, and lord Jup is exalted but retrograde. Some classics compare exalted but retrograde planets to act like being on Debilitation.

LL Jup though looking well placed, is under heavy affliction when enquired in detail. It is aspected by all the malefics. From Jaimini Angle - SA RA aspecting from Taurus, MA-KE from Scorpio. Parasari - Sa from Taurus, Sun from Cap.

9th House of Bhagya is also under affliction. The terrible combo of SA-RA, the 12th lord and co lords, have a direct aspect. 8th lord Shukra also joins in by being placed there. 

LL Jup is aspected by the Su 6th lord of premature ends.

D9 Navamsa

Leo Navamsa is rising with Mars in it. Leo is the 6th house in Rasi. Violent Mars has his 8th aspect on the 8th house, Sa aspects the 8th as well. 

Lagna lord of Rasi JP is debilitated and in 6th with D9 lord Su.

Stationary/Manda Saturn

I had recently shared an ongoing research about accidents around Stationary Saturn transit [ inspired by few articles on the same Shri Manish Pandit Sir]. Lot of accidents had Saturn becoming stationary +/- 20-25 days span from the date of accident.

Saturn turned Margi/progressive on 22nd Feb, 2003, 22 days after the disaster. This means he had slowed to almost a halt on the day of re entry. Afflicted by being with Rahu, this Saturn had become a great threat. Launch happened in RA Dasha in Vimshottari. Thus, this combo of SA-RA is central to this disaster.  [Rahu giving the result of one h is conjoined with or the sign lord]

All in all. The analysis in hindsight helps us understand the importance of choosing a good time for important events. The original chosen date was of 11th Jan, but one often is helpless against the destiny and the launch after being rescheduled 11 times, was fixed for this date. Unfortunately this date and time were marred with doom as clearly found above with multiple application of Jyotisha principle. We dearly remember the lost souls who were off to do something for mankind.

Shri Gurudev Datta!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

13th Jan to 26th Jan 2022 - Critical Period for India? [Ma in Gandanta, Ve in Paap Kartari]


While going through some current transits, A particular transit caught my eye. Ma ke is Scorpio. Ma ke is usually not a desirable combo, in general. Violent explosion is something that always comes to my mind for years now when I see this combo. Alas, it came true when we lost some souls including India's Chief of Defence Staff, in a chopper crash. 

Further, Something that worried me was Mars's transit in Gandanta. Gandanta are highly sensitive points in Zodiac and complex placements for planets. The Gandanta points are the end of Watery signs and start of Fiery signs [About 27 Degrees to 3.20 Degrees]. So we have Gandanta points Between Cancer-Leo, Scorpio-Sagi and Pisces-Aries. 

Point to consider here is that India's is Taurus Lagna and Mars is a prime malefic for Taurus and when he is not well placed or under pressure, things heat up. Other problematic point is that Venus, India's Lagnesh is hemmed between malefics, and in Jyotisha this placement is called 'Paap Kartari'. ]See 'Shu' in the above pic]. A similar Paap Kartari also occurs on 2nd Jan , which is also an Amavasya. 

On 13th Jan, Mars starts entering the Gandanta of Jyestha. Jyestha as the name suggest is an Elder one. Can be considered as people who are Veterans in their field. Senior Officials, Leaders,Artists. Then it will travel into deep Gandanta of last degree of Scorpio and starting degrees of Dhanu in coming days covering Moola gandanta.  Detrimental Malefic Transits here can shake the "Roots". On 14th, Mo-Ra combo occurs in lagna. Moon is the Adhipati of Cancer and remember a lot of Planets occupy this Sign in India's Natal chart.

Together with Retro Shukra, who is in Paap Kartari, the transit looks ominous. 

All we can do is be responsible, Be alert. Do all that is positive.

May Maa's Tej protect Bharata.

Gurudev Datt!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Adolf Hitler or Heatler? - Agni Agni and Agni


What do we think of when we see the name Adolf Hitler? Aggression, War, Destruction, Power? All these relate to Mars and Sun, and Agni basically. Check the chart. How many Grahas are in Agni [Fiery] Signs? All except Saturn. 

Too much of Agni means destruction. Dont destruction and Hitler go hand in hand? And if this was not enough, Sun is exalted and Mars in Ruchaka Yoga! Boom!

Moment Mars Mahadasha started [1928] Ruchaka Yoga was activated, rise of "Cruel" Hitler gained momentum. General interpretation of the yoga makes one Courageous, Powerful, Commander in chief of the army, High government position & more.  But with Hitler, the high prominence of Agni Tattva and Sun's exaltation made things too hot. 

With the advent of Rahu Mahadasha, Jupiter came into the play. Otherwise a very benefic, Brihaspati is placed in a fateful combo. It is in its Marana Karaka Sthaan, and is joined by Moon and Ketu. Jupiter is the 3rd and 6th lord. It certainly helped that 6th lord in MKS means evil for the enemies, but joining of Mo-Ke has created a big problem. Jupiter is Aakash Tattwa and does Aakash have limit? Hence, when Jup starts creating problem it goes long way. 

Rahu is in Punarvasu, lord is Jupiter. The 3rd house combo with MKS effect fully manifested in Rahu MD.  He had complete perversion of Mind [MO] and ordered extermination of a foreign race [RA]. Again this was taking place in the Agni Rashi- Dhanu, which symbolises a half human half horse, ready to shoot an arrow. 

Finally, in Rahu Dasha - Ketu Bhukti the final perversion took place on 20th April, 1945. He committed suicide along with his mistress. Rahu has got the Maraka power by being 7th from Moon and being in Sign of Mercury who is in 7th. 

Hitler's chart makes me write the below line:

"Hitler's Agni Tattwa imbalance was a flame that burnt so bright, that it extinguished the flames of millions of families"

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sripad Srivallabh Charitra - Rudram Chamaka and the Theory of Atoms

A thread on a chapter of Sripad Shrivallabh Charitra

Shankar Bhatt and Vichitrapuram [ Rudram Chamaka and the Theory of Atoms]

Shankar bhatt is the author Shripad Srivallabh Charitra and most of the chapters are about divine experiences during his sojourn to differens towns of India in search of Guru Dattatreya's 1st incarnation Sripad Srivallabh

Shankar bhatt was crossing the town of Vichitrapuram, when the found the royal guards approaching. They met him and requested him to come with them to meet the king. The King of Vichitrapuram was meeting all the brahmans that day and asking them 3 questions. Shankar Bhatt also went through this remembering Sripada. After successfully answering the 2 questions, it was time for the final question. The Raja purohit was reading out the mantras from Rudra Chamaka and asked Shankar Bhatt to tell their meanings. Shankar bhatt took a deep breath chanting Sripada's name and explained:

Ekachame is number 1. Trisrachame is adding number 3 to the number 1, which is 4. It's Mathematical root is 2.

Panchachame is adding 5 to the previously derived 4, that is 9. Sq root of 9 is 3.

Saptachame is adding 7 to the previously derived 9, total is 16. Sq root of 16 is 4.

Navachame is adding 9 to the previously derived 16, that is 25. Sq root of 25 is 5.

Ekadashcame is adding 11 to the previously derived 25, total is 36. Sq root of 36 is 6.

Trayodaschame is adding 13 to the previously arrived 36, that is 49. Sq root of 49 is 7.

Panchadasame is adding 15 to the previously arrived 49, total is 64. Sq root of 64 is 8.

Saptadaschame is adding 17 to the previously arrived 64, that is 81. Sq root of 81 is 9

Navadaschame is adding 19 to the previously arrived 81, total is 100. Sq root of  100 is 10.

He continued explaining this sequence and showing mathematical mysteries in the Mantras of the Rudra Chamaka. This explanation was appreciated by the scholars in the court. He also explained abou the mystery of structures of atoms, which are core to the Creation and Sage Kanada had shown this. How various metals form according to the various arrangement of the number of atoms.

Shankar bhatt was himself amazed at what he had just spoken. With he grace of Sripada, he was able to leave Vichitrapuram after this strange episode.

[Thanks to English Edition by Kulapati. De]